Bugs and Cars How to Properly Clean Your Car

Bugs and Cars: How to Properly Clean Your Car


It’s inevitable that your car will be hit with bugs of all types and with summer coming up, road trip season will soon be in full swing. If you want to keep your car looking good and prevent your paint from eroding away, follow these three easy tips to properly clean your car.

Weekly Washes

Depending on how frequently you drive or will be driving this summer, it’s a good rule of thumb to wash your car every week or two. This helps keep dirt and pesky bugs at bay from sticking to your car and eroding your paint job. You can opt to go to your local car wash or wash your car at home, it’s up to you. The more you drive, the more often you should wash your car.

Microfiber Cloths and DIY Cleaner

If you’re opting to wash your car at home or just want to tackle those pesky bugs that are on your hood and grille, then you can use microfiber cloths and make your own bug cleaner. Microfiber cloths are the best for your car because they’re made of a softer more gentle fabric that won’t be too harsh like a terry cloth rag. One DIY bug cleaner you can make involves dryer sheets and some water. You put a dryer sheet in a spray bottle, add some water and shake it up. Trust us, this easy DIY does work. After spraying the solution on your car, you can use another dryer sheet to wipe away the bugs or go in with a microfiber cloth, or both.

Car Wax

After you wash your car, if it’s important for you to have your car looking extra shiny and freshly washed, you can opt to apply car wax. Car wax not only makes your car look shiner, it actually protects the paint from wear and tear. It’s not a magical product, but it will at the very least keep your car clean from general dust and water, and hopefully lessen the severity the damage done to your paint by bugs. This step is optional, but a great end of cleaning thing to do if you have a newer car or just want your car to look extra clean.

Bugs Be Gone

You can’t run away from bugs because your car will always be affected by them one way or another. You can keep them from damaging your paint job by washing your car on a regular basis and focusing your cleaning on the areas frequently targeted by bugs. Finally, for that extra step of protection, you can apply car wax to seal everything. Bugs will put up a fight, but you’ll have the last word.


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