04.07.17 - Stick Shift

A Shame that Hagerty is Working to Fix


There has been a huge change in the automotive industry that’s causing young people to learn to drive without ever experiencing the benefit of one of the longest running aspects of driving; the stick shift.…

03.24.17 - Airbus Pop.Up

Getting Much Closer to the Jetson’s Lifestyle


The movement back into cities has begun and more cities are offering ways to enjoy mobility without the need to utilize the bus, train, subway or taxicabs. While public transportation is still a viable option…

01.10.17 - New York City Taxis

The Taxi Problem in New York City Solved Mathematically


If you’ve been accepted to MIT you’ve proved that you’re smart and at least somewhat creative. The students at this highly prestigious university have helped solve many of the problems we face in the world…

01.10.17 - Lemons

There’s Something Wrong, but the Dealer Disagrees


When you buy a car, especially one that’s new, you expect it to work properly, especially if a car is under warranty. When you’re convinced there’s something wrong with your car but the dealer’s repair…

01.09.17 - Hot Wheels

Toy Cars that Started a Dynasty


In today’s world the most popular toy car brand on the market is Hot Wheels. We see many videos on YouTube of tracks that have been made for these cars to perform some crazy stunts…

1939 Bugatti Given to the Shah of Iran


  One heck of a gift. Looks like something from a Captain America movie. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKH2tDMs9Lw[/embed]